
Male book clubs? anyone?

One of the things that kept me from taking writing seriously for so long was the fact that it was percieved as something that females mostly do. Reading and writing, two of the things I truly love in this world, had the admonition of being considered "sensitive", and "soft" and here I was trying to be a man.
And then I decided to teach. Right. 
Most of the authors I had read were black and female, since the only person I'd lived with for the first 18 years of life (the only one that read anyway) was black and female. I'd had my fill of Terry McMillan, Connie Briscoe, and April Sinclair. I didn't graduate to Toni Morrison and J. California Cooper until later on. Finally, when I found out that James Baldwin and Langston Hughes, two of my favorites, allegedly lived alternative lifestyles, that didn't encourage the wordsmith that may or may not be in me. 
Older, wiser, and more sure, I now openly search for what seems to not exist in great supply: male book clubs. 
A google search takes me to a couple of interesting places and arbitrary message board surfing only leads to some posts that maybe should be kept a little more private. 
I have nothing against female book clubs, my mother belongs to one. But they are for females. And co-ed book clubs seem to be in even rarer air than male ones. 
There is a good possibility that anyone reading this may ask, "Well why don't you start one?" Not a bad idea, not a bad idea at all. However, not the social maven, I don't know too many people out here on the West Coast. But let's not rule anything out. 
To be plain, if anyone knows of a good book club...male or co-ed...on the West Coast, I'd appreciate a shout. New story coming soon...


My tardy reasoning...

I’m a huge fan of the written word. To look at a blank piece of paper and know that the combination of words that are put on it can evoke any spectrum of emotions, intellect, or action is something that “powerful” can’t adequately describe.

So why not do what you love? Not for kudos or vainglory (though their appeal to human nature is well-proven) but just to say you contributed. Rightly. And that, in essence, is what I write for, to contribute.

My most earnest hope is that you enjoy what I have here and that it evokes something. Thought, conversation, even an undertaking of some sort, whatever it is, don’t let it be a passing fancy.

This is a proverbial “journey” for me, taking my writing seriously for the first time; please leave your comments, kudos, criticism, and questions. Let’s advance together…


aaron wilson, jr.